“The whole point of homeownership is to control the rent, rather than be continually exposed to market pricing, by finding a favourable landlord. Yourself.”
“The asset value of a home is, after all, just the financial representation of all future rents paid at a fixed upfront price.”
“Because rent control is one of the benefits of homeownership, wealthy cities and countries with stringent rent controls often have low homeownership. Countries like Switzerland and Germany have strong rental protections and the majority of people live in rented housing. The lure of escaping the rental market is much lower when the future cost of renting is curtailed. Additionally, because there are so many renter households, there is an influential voting bloc that provides political support to maintaining strict controls.”
“In fact, the only way to increase homeownership is for landlords to sell their properties to renters.”
“... even for landlords, there is a benefit from stable tenants that can outweigh the cost of lower rent.”
“Study after study has shown that rent control makes housing shepherd for tenants, yet there is a monumental effort by property owners to pretend that the studies find the opposite.”
“... restricting Airbnb makes the homes affected by such regulations cheaper, just as with all rent controls.”
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